March 29, 2020

March 29, 2020

When we found out the kids would not be attending school, and all their regular lessons and activities had been suspended, we talked about how the kids were going to use their time.  I pointed out to them that this would be a great time to focus on developing a skill they are interested in, or to try something new.  The consensus seems to be to try something new.  Here is a report on some of the families activities.

Maddie immediately stated that she wanted to learn to knit.  She has been working at it steadily, and is progressing on knitting a throw.  I have also heard her playing the ukulele, which is a new instrument for her.  She does this in addition to keeping up on the homework she is assigned by her teachers, and practicing voice, which she has been taking lessons for since January.  She loves it all.  She has also enjoyed cycling with her sister.

Caden and Kami heard a violin number by an artist they enjoy and were enthralled with it.  It is an original composition, and they wanted to learn it so they could play it on the piano and violin together.  Caden couldn’t find the sheet music anywhere, so he finally emailed the composer/artist, and asked for it.  It turns out that the sheet music doesn’t exist, so Caden and Kami have been busy writing sheet music for the song. 

Caden is also trying a new job.  He worked at Big Jud’s restaurant for a few weeks, but the owners decided to close the restaurant for several weeks.  Caden needs to work, so he is starting a new job tomorrow erecting steel buildings.  He will get more hours and make more money, so he is willing to do it, and is also grateful that school will start this fall, and he will be able to move on to other things.

Amy has been trying a new bread recipe.  This one uses sourdough.  She is determined to master it, and has made several attempts – each one better than the one previous.  She made her own sourdough starter.  We have enjoyed having sourdough bread each day.  I should probably throw in that Amy bakes all the family’s bread anyway and has a great recipe.  She is just broadening her horizons here.  She has also been trying exercising at home.  She definitely prefers the gym, but doesn’t want to risk exposure, so she had been using a program at home called Openfit.  It is just kind of hard to carry this out with eight kids interrupting her.  The most challenging is Anni, who often tries to do the workout with her, but gets underfoot.  I admire Amy’s perseverance.  I think I would have given up on exercising until its safe to go back to the gym.

It’s hard to figure out if the boys are actually trying anything new, but they play soccer each day, and practice the piano, and do their homework.  They stay pretty busy.  I dug their bikes out of storage this week, and Pace has been riding his bike constantly. 

The most exciting new thing for the family this week was the arrival of eighteen chicks.  They came in the mail, and seem to have adjusted.  Two of them died, and we were really worried about this little runt on the first night, but she pulled through.  I’m pretty sure it was an answer to prayer.  Nolan was pretty distraught about the birds dying and so prayers were offered on behalf of the little runt bird, and she is doing great now. 

We got a text on Thursday from Kami saying that her job was temporarily stopped and she was going to move back home.  The Governor of Idaho issued a stay – home order which has really slowed things down, and then BYU-I closed the art gallery until further notice.  We are excited to have Kami home.  We are in a small house, and we are full, but it has been so fun to have everyone home.

You may be asking what new thing I am trying.  I’ll tell you.  Facial hair.  I’ve never had much of it, and it grows really slow, so on the few occasions I have considered growing a beard or goatee, I have always given up on Sunday morning because I didn’t want to go to church looking like I had a dirty face.  But right now, there is no church to go to, and I work alone, so I don’t have anyone to impress (Amy is curious how it will look, so she is excluded from the “people to impress” category).  I haven’t shaved for a week.  I’ll see how it goes, and if it looks okay, then I’ll share a picture.

I guess that’s about all there is.  Everyone be safe and healthy!



  1. Thanks for the update? What is the song that kami and Caden are trying to figure out? I can't wait to see a picture of you with facial hair!


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