
Showing posts from March, 2020

March 29, 2020

March 29, 2020 When we found out the kids would not be attending school, and all their regular lessons and activities had been suspended, we talked about how the kids were going to use their time.  I pointed out to them that this would be a great time to focus on developing a skill they are interested in, or to try something new.  The consensus seems to be to try something new.  Here is a report on some of the families activities. Maddie immediately stated that she wanted to learn to knit.  She has been working at it steadily, and is progressing on knitting a throw.  I have also heard her playing the ukulele, which is a new instrument for her.  She does this in addition to keeping up on the homework she is assigned by her teachers, and practicing voice, which she has been taking lessons for since January.  She loves it all.  She has also enjoyed cycling with her sister. Caden and Kami heard a violin number by an artist they enjoy and were enthralled with it.  It is an original co

March 23, 2020

Sunday, March 22,2020 Dear Family and Friends, A lot has happened since I last wrote.  Caden got home from his mission to Texas on January 23rd.  About a week before that, we received permission from Oregon Department of Human services to move out of state and to take Anni with us.  For any of you who don’t know, Anni is almost three and has been living with us since she was seventeen months old.  We had been wanting to get back to Idaho for family reasons, but normally they wouldn’t allow a foster child to move out of state, so we were waiting to figure out a way to keep Anni with us.  Once we received permission, things started moving really fast.  Four days after we received word, Amy and the kids moved back to Rexburg.  I stayed on until the end of January at Harrison Family Medicine. We are renting a house out in the country.  This is the first time we have rented since 2002, and it is a little different.  The house is pretty small for a family of nine, but everyone is being